Torres del Paine

Serrano Zodiac

Puerto Natales to TDP



The Torres del Paine Serrano Zodiac is the name of the fast-speed zodiac activity that navigates up and down the River Serrano. With a link up to the catamaran that navigates the Senoret Channel from Puerto Natales to Glacier Serrano, the Serrano Zodiac is an exhilerating way to get to Torres del paine from Puerto Natales, or the reverse. 
















Receding Balmaceda Glacier

33 A Torres del Paine Serrano Zodiac Natales to TDP

Glacier Serrano Lagoon

33 A Torres del Paine Serrano Zodiac Natales to TDP

On the River Serrano

33 A Torres del Paine Serrano Zodiac Natales to TDP

End Sector of the Last Hope Fiord

33 A Torres del Paine Serrano Zodiac Natales to TDP

Torres del Paine Central Massif from River Serrano

33 A Torres del Paine Serrano Zodiac Natales to TDP

Torres del Paine Serrano Zodiac

Puerto Natales to Torres del Paine

Operated between November to March

Subject to local weather conditions


Note: We offer this activity to be built into your main itinerary and not as a standalone.

Introduction to Torres del Paine Serrano Zodiac

The Torres del Paine Serrano zodiac is an activity excursion involving a ride in a fast-speed, hard-covered zodiac, rib boat that navigates up and down the River Serrano. Moreover, the trip is one of adventure. In addition, it also involves a traditional boat trip, but in one of the most amazing parts of Patagonia.

Seeing that the River Serrano is the river that meanders from Torres del Paine to the end of the Sound of Last Hope (the stretch of water beside which is the village of Puerto Natales), navigating along it offers a great alternative to get from Puerto Natales to Torres del Paine as well as in reverse ie Torres del Paine to Puerto Natales. Note that bags will be transported apart and be handed to you at your destination.


Request here:

Torres del Paine Serrano Zodiac

Puerto Natales to Torres del Paine

Logistics for the Route Puerto Natales to Torres del Paine


Assuming that we have arranged your itinerary, and therefore your accommodation in Puerto Natales, we will set you up with the transfer to get you to the Bories Jetty in Puerto Natales, or if you happen to be near the check-in office in the center of Puerto Natales we will ask you to go there (and give you the address of course). Passengers will check-in at the office in Puerto Natales at 07:00hrs AM or at the Bories jetty in Puerto Natales at 07:30hrs AM.

The Fiord of Last Hope

From Puerto Natales the catamaran will navigate along the Sound of Last Hope and as it does, you will see on either side of the fiord the most incredible rock formations. At first glance it is difficult to comprehend, but there are layers of sediment rock that used to be horizontal, but now are bent into “U” shapes or put into the vertical. For this reason, it is bewildering to imagine what forces were necessary to bend the rock in such a way. Consequently, with all this beauty around, please do not forget to bring a camara or cell phone, because there is a photo opportunity around every corner. As a result of bearing witness to such incredible geological forms, it becomes clear that Chile has endured many earthquakes in its history.

After about 1.5hrs of navigation the catamaran will be approaching the end sector of the fiord, which is also the confluence where the Serrano River runs into the sound. Immediately ahead there are the peaks of the Andes, usually topped with white snow and then large, long spaces inbetween the rock that is also white. These spaces are glaciers. Unfortunately, one particular glacier, the Balmaceda, is a clear proof of recent global warming. For example, the Balmaceda glacier used to come down to the water’s edge but has receded greatly, to leave behind an almost “polished”, orange-colored rock base. Moreover, this orange rock, combined with the vivid green foliage of the trees either side, and with the blue hue of the glacier, together, form a beautiful picture.

Serrano Glacier

Upon arrival to this sector passengers will be invited to disembark and walk through a nice, wooded sector to get to a lagoon. Here at the lagoon, you will see small icebergs that have come off the Serrano Glacier at the other end, which is coming down from the height of the mountain down to meet the lagoon. Of course, the lagoon has been formed from the previously much larger glacier that has melted and receded.

After about 1hr, you will return to the wooden jetty. Some passengers will get back on the catamaran and return to Puerto Natales, but you will be offered a snack lunch and then board one of the zodiacs to continue your adventure up stream.


The zodiac(s) will travel a fast speed along the river following the meandering curves of the river, passing by forested banks and mountainous sides until arriving to a point closer to Torres del Paine whereupon, on a clear day, you will be able to see the huge Tyndall Glacier in the distance and then when you are close to Torres del Paine you will see the astonishing view of the Torres del Paine massif.


The zodiac will stop at a place en-route where passengers will need to disembark, walk through a wooded area and then board another zodiac whereupon shortly afterwards you will arrive to the Serrano village, on the edge of Torres del Paine. From here Experience Chile will have arranged your onward transport and accommodation – as long as we have arranged the rest of your itinerary.


Request here:

Torres del Paine Serrano Zodiac

Clothes to Bring

Patagonia is “raw”, “rugged” and also at “the end of the World”, sandwiched between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Consequently, those visiting need to be prepared for any type of weather. Therefore, please pack clothing that you can put on and take off as you get cold and get hot.

For example, if you are participating in a trek, you will likely get hot, but when standing around you will get cold. For this reason, bring warm hats, gloves, waterproof top and hiking boots, as well as a pair of sunglasses. Most importantly, for the zodiac navigation you will be provided with all the wet weather gear you will need for the trip, which goes over your usual clothing. Therefore, you will have protection from any wet weather.

Comments from Clients

In our web site we have published in full and verbatim, a number of testimonials from clients. However, it is not physically possible to publish all the comments we have received over the years from all of our clients, but we do have a good selection. Therefore, should you wish to read about how clients have found our services please revert back to the testimonials in the web site. Meanwhile, here are just a few excerpts.

“One of the best things I have done, during my holiday in Patagonia”.

“As a result of having an extra day in Puerto Natales we could come out of TDP by the zodiac, and we loved it”.

“I wished I had included this trip when I was in Patagonia. Consequently, we missed a great experience”.


In this itinerary we include the transfer to Bories jetty in Puerto Natales (if required) and to your hotel in Torres del Paine.  And, of course, the zodiac and catamaran navigations. Moreover, the park entrance ticket for Bernardo O’Higgins National Park and a snack lunch.


We understand that some clients will have a lot of luggage with them. For this reason, we have the logistics figured out. For example, we will arrange for your luggage to be taken to Torres del Paine (or Puerto Natales) and be there your arrival as long as we have booked the hotel for you. Therefore, there are a lot of advantages to having all your arrangements being handled by one company. In Conclusion, our aim is to make life easier for you, so you can enjoy your experiences and relax.


Request here:


What ExperienceChile.Org says about

Torres del Paine Serrano Zodiac

There are two ways to enter or exit Torres del Paine. One is the traditional way, by road, and the other is this option, up or down river by fast-speed zodiac, taking in the remote scenery of raw Patagonia as you whizz past the banks of the Serrano River. For those who have the extra cash and seek even more adventure, Experience Chile suggests that this activity excursion is time well spent as well as serving as a great logistical way to get to or out of Torres del Paine.

Note that we have been creating Torres del Paine W Trek itineraries and other Patagonian itineraries since 1996. We are based in Chile, English owned, and a leading receptive travel operator, covering in particular – Patagonia.


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Please Send Us Your Enquiry

For the best service please supply us with as much information as you can. For example, where you want to go, what you want to do, what you want to experience and how much money you want to spend (or do not want to spend!).  How many people, what type of beds (matrimonial, twin, single etc.)


In the event that you are a VIP in any of the fields such as celebrity and/or political and/or business, and you need “special attention”. For example, privacy and/or security for your trip please use an alias in the enquiry but mention that you are VIP and one of the directors will handle your request and keep your real name and details confidential.


Ask us to handle ALL of your South America, or Chile trip and we WILL include some items for free or at special lower-than-public rates. How much we can offer you depends on how much we can arrange and book for you. REQUEST@EXPERIENCECHILE.ORG

Remember, our specialty is to create a travel itinerary custom-built to your needs.

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33 A Torres del Paine Serrano Zodiac Natales to TDP


33 A Torres del Paine Serrano Zodiac Natales to TDP


33 A Torres del Paine Serrano Zodiac Natales to TDP


33 A Torres del Paine Serrano Zodiac Natales to TDP


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